Corvallis Sports Park
Spring Leagues
Spring leagues start April 11th. This is an 8 game season.
Estimated end date is June 15th . No Games will be played May 24-25th.
Early Bird Deadline: Wednesday, March 12th
Pay the Team Fee in Full by March 12th and receive a $30 discount, team fee $895
Year Round Teams (teams who have played 6 consecutive seasons in a row) pay your deposit ($150) by March 12th and receive a $50.00 discount, team fee $875. Remaining team fee balance due before your second game.
Final Deadline: Wednesday, March 19th
Team registered with deposit ($150) by March 19th team fee $925. Remaining balance is due before your second game.
House Team Individual Fee: $92
Registration Rules & Policies
1) A team may list one scheduling note on their registration form when signing up. Examples: cannot play Thursday 5-8pm due to school or cannot play Sunday mornings due to church. We have reached a point that we can no longer accommodate all of the requests that we were receiving and were unable to provide the level of customer service that we wanted to all of our teams. Scheduling notes are still not guaranteed
2) CSP has the right to move any team to the division that they feel is most appropriate for the team’s level of play. Teams finishing in the top 20% of their division should expect to move up the next season.
3) Some leagues may be split into more than one division dependent on the amount of team sign ups for each league.
4) Games will be played on the days listed next to the league name, alternate days will be used as necessary. If your team cannot play on all the days listed next to the league name you must list that as your scheduling note otherwise we will assume you are eligible to play on all days. You cannot request to play on only 1 day.
5) Weekday Start Times: 5:40pm – 9:50pm, Weekend Start Times: 12:40pm-9:50pm
6) All players must have a current CSP membership in order to play. To purchase your membership you must fill out a waiver prior to your first game. Minors must have a parent/guardian fill out their form. Cost is $30 for one year.
7)League Breakdowns: We continue to make the leagues as balanced as possible and to schedule teams against similar skilled teams.
Example: After registration has ended if we have 60 coed teams we rank them from 1-60 and place them into groups of similar skill levels and standings, we then give that league a name based on the level of play. If you have two teams with multiple of the same players, please make sure this is noted on your registration form so that the teams do not end up in the same league.
Team Registration and withdrawing from a League:
A non-refundable $150 deposit is required to register a team along with a signed registration form. Full payment is required by the start of the second game. If payment is not made the team will not be allowed to play until the full payment has been received. If a team must withdraw from the league for their own reasons or if they are suspended for violating CSP rules and/or policies, the league fee will not be refunded and they will owe remaining payments, regardless if we have a signed form or not. Once the schedules have been posted teams will no longer be allowed to withdraw from the league without being held responsible for the full payment amount. If they have paid in full there will be no refund given. Open balances will be charged 18% interest beginning Day 30. After 90 days past due managers will be sent to collections. The manager must be an adult and is responsible for the team’s account.
Individuals/House Team Cost: $92 Individual Player Information
Team Fee: $925
CSP Yearly membership: $30
- Men’s Advanced
- Men’s Intermediate
- Men’s Recreational Upper
- Men’s Recreational Lower
- Men’s over 45 Hat Draw
- Coed Advanced
- Coed Intermediate
- Coed Recreational
- Women’s Intermediate
- Women’s Recreational